Friday, September 12, 2003

I was just perusing the Planet Out website when I came across a story about how some "family values" coalitions are trying to urge protests against gay TV. I came across this doosey of a quote from Julie Millam of the Montana Family Coalition, it's about her opinion of that new TV show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy":

"To me, that's not a reality show about gay people," Millam told the Billings Gazette. "A really good reality show for gay people would be five gay men dying of AIDS."

Wow, I went between total shock and total laughter on that one. Truly shocking. Then Julie throws this one out:

"We don't want to see (gay content) on every single TV show," she said. "I'm hearing from people left and right, that every time they turn on the TV it's something to do with gay people. It's not reality."

Yeah, 'cause you know, we gay folks only exist in some parallel realm, we're not actually all over the planet, or anything freaky like that.



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