Friday, December 12, 2003

I loved the confused looks I get from some people after I tell them I'm married.

Today I was chatting with a gal I know a little from another office in our building. I guess she noticed the ring on my finger, because she said,

"Hey, are you married?"

I replied, "Oh yes, I am."

A look of confusion slowly spread across her face. "But I thought..." she trailed off.

"To a chick," I said after a long five seconds. I enjoy making them think hard.

"Oh, okay!" she laughed. "Because I thought, yeah, well, you know."

"Yes, I'm a huge screaming dyke, WHERE'S MY SOY MILK! RRRRAAAA!!!"

Okay, I didn't say that last part, but it was funny to think how should would have reacted.


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