Tuesday, December 09, 2003

The National Find Odd Trade Associations Association

Today while eating my yogurt I noticed a message on the side of the container:

"This product meets National Yogurt Association criteria for live and active culture yogurt."

There's a National Yogurt Association? Wow. I love really specialized organizations like that.

So, seeing a challenge, I took my lunch hour to locate more of these odd trade organizations.

Here are some I found:
-The American Bear Association
-The Arizona Barbeque Association
-The National Hot Dog & Sausage Council
-The Educational Paperback Association
-The Hosiery Association
-The American Fence Association
-The National Association for the Advancement of White People (yikes)
-The National Miniature Donkey Association
-The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
-The National Food Processors Association
-The National Wild Horse & Burro Show Association
-The British Body Piercing Association
-The Schenectady Wargamers Association

God, I love the internet.


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