Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Snow Day

While I did not get the entire day off work yesterday due to the snowstorm, I did get to leave early. As I walked to my car, I picked up a clump of snow to see if it was snowball- or snowman-worthy. It was -- the snow was very wet and dense.

So when I arrived home, I decided to make a miniature snowman army take over the front steps of my apartment building.

It was entirely too much fun. Click on the "Snow" album to see the army.

My apartment door is only a short distance away from the front steps, so it was hysterical to hear what people said as they passed the army of tiny snowmen.

"What the...? What is this crap?"

"Oh, that's so cute."

"Mom, can I smash them?"

They did not last through the night. No, the warm temperatures were too much for the tiny snowman army. This morning all that remained was one little patch of slush and a pile of twigs.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hehe! I love the pics. I laughed out load at my desk. My pastor came in to see what was so funny - I showed him the pics and he asked if one of the church kids made the snowmen. ;)

March 01, 2005 10:14 AM  
Blogger Eric M said...

Glad that it's neck and neck between 3 members of my family for biggest 'tard.

Heather might be inching ahead of me, provided the story of me "losing" my keyes doesn't get out.

March 01, 2005 4:49 PM  
Blogger a c said...

It was 70 yesterday.

March 01, 2005 7:20 PM  
Blogger amberance said...

This may be the best goofball prank you have ever pulled. You actually made me wish there was snow here. Briefly.

March 03, 2005 2:36 PM  

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