Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Strange Emails

There are some days when I write emails about a vast range of topics. Today's topics and mentions have included:

-improv comedy
-whether or not you'd dare to deafen a gynecologist by slamming your thighs shut
-The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum
-are pork chops wrapped in ham and then wrapped in bacon really better than a turducken?
-home workout regimens
-at an upcoming church conference dinner where I'm the night's speaker, should I give them a rider full of ridiculous requests such as a bowl of green MnMs, ten pairs of velour track pants, a chinchilla, and a 10' cross?
-hurricane relief
-Porhamcon? Hamporkcon? What would you call pork chops wrapped in ham and then wrapped in bacon?
-The amount of donuts in my office today creating a lopsided donut-per-human ratio
-holy crap, my alma mater made the Men's NCAA Tournament
-church growth issues

That's right, start up an email dialogue with me and you never know what you'll get.


Blogger a c said...

I would call it pig. Turducken is three different animal meats, while your porhamcon is all the same. Perhaps lamb chops stuffed with ground beef wrapped in bacon would be a good combo.

March 15, 2005 7:28 PM  
Blogger Zwieblein said...

Let's just clear up this name thing right here. Putting it in German means a) everyone gets a good laugh, b) you can claim gourmet "Fer'ner" ["foreigner"] status and cut off the questioning in no time, and c) you now have an original nickname for your sweetie. I give you the Teutonic version of Turducken: Putentehuhn.

March 15, 2005 10:20 PM  
Blogger Amy Sens said...

I vote for Bachampork

March 16, 2005 3:45 PM  

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