Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Today's post is one of the miscellaneous variety. Nothing of huge importance has happened to me in the past week except for these random ramblings.

- Why is customer service so hard for some people? I was calling around to some sporting goods stores this morning trying to find a particular good that I will need for sporting. The employees I spoke with all sounded high and ended up being useless. Is it that hard to go check if you have an item in stock? Your store just opened, so I know you're not so busy that you cannot put down the bong for a minute, walk down an aisle and see if it's there. Hell, you have a computer syste, I'm going to assume it has lists of what is in stock. Press a couple buttons and find out. Help me save a trip to your store.

Stay sober, kids.

- In other news, the week's not over yet, but I have not yet had a chance to fill you in on any exciting jury duty stories. Yes, I got that notice in the mail telling me it's time to do my civic duty. I was prepared to do it, too. But each night I call the special number and they tell me they don't need me yet.

- Also, I won't have any good stories about my auto repair class because I had to cancel it. Due to the insane hurricane season, my work travel expectations are much higher. That makes a Wednesday night class harder to manage. I was bummed ot have to cancel it, but hopefully I'll get to take it this winter sometime.

- WHO DEY! My beloved Cincinnati Bengals are 2 - 0! They destroyed the Vikings 37 - 8 on Sunday. I am in shock. Mark my words: if they make the playoffs this year, I will pee my pants.

- Cat News. Watch that and you will laugh. I now know that my cat Tuesday is always staring at me and saying, "I'm nude."


Blogger amberance said...

Seriously, hon, go Bengals. I love that y'all are in first place and Baltimore is in last.

And I demand a picture of your urine soaked pants if it comes to that.

September 20, 2005 1:31 PM  
Blogger junebee said...

I would love to take an auto repair class. I can change my oil and one time I successfully installed an alternator (however, it took me most of the day and I had to call my brother-in-law twice!)

September 21, 2005 10:09 AM  

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