Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oregon Trail

Last night the wife and I visited 1988 by downloading and playing Oregon Trail. Wow - what memories! I had forgotten how much fun and just how silly the game is. If you need a reminder, visit this website.

Anywho, after dowloading it and the Apple IIe emulator (which you need to play it on Windows since it's so old school) - we picked out just who would be joining us in our wagon. Our wagon included Me, Amy, our cat Tuesday - and then just to flash back to our juvenile elementary school selves (although maybe an older immaturity), we also brought along Whore and Slut. Come on - you know you used to enter silly names when you played this in third grade. I think favorites of mine when I was younger included "Poo" and "Butt." We'd giggle incessantly when those names appeared and hope the teacher didn't notice.

Anywho, once Me, Amy, Tuesday, Whore and Slut were loaded up, we went shopping for our supplies. My favorite thing used to be to buy as little clothing as possible and then giggle as I imagined a wagonload of nude people heading west. Amy disagreed and actually made us all buy clothing. Oh well.

Once loaded up with our $800 worth of supplies, we headed out. The journey was just as boring as you remember, the only high points being hunting, crossing rivers and then seeing whose name would pop up as the next injured, sick or dead person. Our wagon was plagued by poor navigation as we seemed to repeatedly lose the trail and therefore lose five to six days. Amy was apparently the clumsiest person on the trip as she broke her leg twice, got a snakebite, and then just randomly died. Tuesday got typhoid twice and pulled through just fine. And we only got to giggle at our names once, when Whore ended up with a snakebite.

We also only tipped over in the river once, but didn't lose too much stuff. We also dealt with a recurring thief, who worked his way up from stealing two sets of clothing, to four bullets, to finally five of our oxen. Ass. This game needs to be more realistic - I mean - who wouldn't notice someone wandering off with five of our oxen?

Hunting took up an insane amount of time - as Amy would have us spend days shooting at bears and deer. I think I won for most dead animals on the screen at once, having killed two deer, a bear and a squirrel. Not that it mattered as you can only carry 100lbs of food back to your wagon. What's the point? Here's the point: I helped decimate the buffalo population. I killed as many as possible just to stay true to our Westward Ho! heritage.

In any case, we did make it to Oregon and ended up as Greenhorns - which is irritating. Did any of you guys ever actually score above a Greenhorn? I remember being annoying that no matter how many times I played the game, I'd still end up with only enough points to be a Greenhorn.

Oh well. Go download the game, folks, and bring up some good memories.

WHORE has a snakebite.


Blogger Amy Sens said...

It was pretty awesome, although I remembered the hunting to be a lot easier.

Heather--you were the one with the map. I don't know why you couldn't keep us on the right trail. :-)

November 10, 2005 11:30 AM  
Blogger d said...

I have never heard of this game. Maybe because I was too busy playing Lie, Cheat or Steal?

November 10, 2005 12:43 PM  
Blogger Tara said...

that was the best game ever! To this day, I don't know why we played in school (I also had it at home!), but it was awesome. My favorite was always to leave without any food and then see how fast I could kill off the members of my expedition. Maybe I'll get this for my sister for Christmas?

November 10, 2005 3:19 PM  
Blogger junebee said...

How come the cat is named Tuesday? Is that the day you got him/her?

November 10, 2005 8:43 PM  
Blogger H said...

Her name is Tuesday because she used to be fat (when we got her) and her favorite toy was Mardi Gras beads. It does suit her well.

November 11, 2005 9:12 AM  

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