Thursday, November 02, 2006


We got to do our first trick-or-treating experience this past Tuesday, and it was very cool. It was fun to really feel a part of the neighborhood and see all the kids running around. We saw some great costumes, but one took the prize for the best one that night because of just what the kid said.

I saw this young gal walking up our sidewalk, maybe she was seven or eight years old. Anyway, she was all decked out in a sparkly gold dress and a blonde wig and heels. Looked almost like a Marilyn Monroe costume. Anyway, as this gal is walking up our steps, the father of the kids who'd just been on our porch yelled up at the kid, "Hey - that's a pretty looking gal there!"

In response, the Marilyn Monroe gal turned around at the top of our steps and yelled at full volume, "I'M A DUDE!"

Then he casually turned back around and said to me, "Trick or treat."

And that kid, my friends, got a handful of candy and a "You get extra because you're a brave kid. Good for you!" from me.


Blogger junebee said...

And, here I thought you were going to comment on the slutty costumes that are marketed to pre-teens nowadays.

Good surprise ending!

November 02, 2006 8:33 PM  
Blogger H said...

I should have. I saw three gals - maybe they were 13 or 14 - all were dressed very slut-like for their costumes. They all had the Playboy logo on their belly shirts.

What made it funny was that they were all wearing heels, but NONE of them had any idea how to walk in heels. They looked like show-stepping horses.

November 03, 2006 9:40 AM  

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