Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Challenge

I need some inspiration, folks. Obviously I really enjoy writing, but I think I write much better about non-fiction (my life) than I do when I just come up with fiction topics.

My parents were in town this weekend, and my mom and Amy both mentioned that they think I should be writing more fiction. I'd like to, but I can't ever think of what to write about. As a child, I used to write endlessly about very strange things, and my parents always seemed to enjoy my vivid imagination. They hung a story I wrote about havoc-wreaking giant gerbils on the fridge for weeks because I got an A on it. I liked it because my teacher wrote something like, "Weird, but very entertaining!" on it. This was in high school.

For some reason, I can't come up with as much now and perhaps it's because I'm not in any classes getting writing assignments.

So here comes your assignment, blog readers: give me topics to write about. I find that I do well when given a suggestion. Your paltry reward for giving me inspiration is that I'll post the results here, and you can say "yea" or "nay" to my stories. Love them and/or rip them.

Now, on with it. Give me something!


Blogger amberance said...

Do you remember the story you wrote about the guy who had no arms or legs, but didn't realize it until his friends finally got fed up with him playing the piano with his tongue and told him? It was funny.

Potentially you could write a sequel to the Grim Reaper walking in on me in the shower.

Also I would like a story about a little girl whose finger tips are made out of those nubby things you have at the office to easily grab paper with.

Ok. I'll stop now.

April 19, 2005 5:17 PM  
Blogger Zwieblein said...

First, I empathize with your writing past, although I'm sure my teachers thought I was disturbed-- especially after the time in middle school when I wrote a story about Santa's elves instituting a hostile takeover, shooting him up with some paralysis-inducing drug, and then torturing him. I meant it as a sardonic commentary on the fact that no one ever considers what the *elves* want out of life-- but I may have gone too far.

As for the present, I have the same problem as you do. Can we get a writing group together and prod each other? (Only metaphorically, 'cause the bruises would get ugly otherwise.)

April 19, 2005 8:16 PM  
Blogger Kerry said...

Hear, hear on the writing group! Only, can I be excused from any assignments until after May 27 (graduation)?

Heather, I would like you to write a story about ducks, a backhoe, and the Eiffel Tower. Because I've never read a story with those three elements, and I believe you are the person to write it.

April 20, 2005 1:18 AM  
Blogger H said...

Amber - I have posted that story on my blog, but it's been awhile. It's called 'George,' and here's the link to it:

Also, Kerry and Katy, I'm all for a writing group to prod each other.

And Kerry, I will take your challenge of a story somehow involving ducks, a backhoe, and the Eiffel Tower.

I also like Amber's request about a sequel to the Grim Reaper in the shower story. Thanks for your help, gang!

April 20, 2005 9:16 AM  
Blogger amberance said...

Can I get in on this writing group? I am having much blockage as well.

I am so glad you have the George story up. I kept trying to tell people about it and they all kept looking at me like I was on crack.

April 20, 2005 12:02 PM  
Blogger Amy Sens said...

Perhaps a new group blog could be instituted?

April 20, 2005 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want in on the writing group, too!! i need inspiration.


April 21, 2005 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like penguins. Can you write a story about penguins?

April 21, 2005 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,

I would like a story about a giant marshmallow that attacks blowhards and small tyrants with funny hats.


April 26, 2005 10:06 AM  

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