I've always thought that some members of the religious "right" are a tad off and well, honestly, a bit crazy with some of their fundamentalism. I think it's sad that entire organizations are formed to fight gay marriage and then they have tons of money poured into them. Aren't there more important things in this world that that money could be going to? How about feeding the hungry? Housing the poor? Tutoring kids? I don't know, maybe ALL OF THE STUFF JESUS TALKED ABOUT?!
But, I can't fault them for being consistent and really believing that being anti-gay marriage is the right way to go. I don't agree with them and wish they'd spend their time and money elsewhere, but they're going to do what they're going to do.
It's just that when I occasionally peruse the "pro-family" websites and find gems like this review of the movie 'Shark Tale' that I really wonder about these folks.
First, go read that article.
Second, how much time do these people have on their hands? To sit through a movie and wonder and then analyze and write up an editorial about a movie's supposed gay undertones -- wow.
Third, it's obvious these folks are terrified of gay people. They can't even go to the movies anymore -- REGULAR MOVIES WITH NO OBVIOUS TIES TO GAYS -- without finding something in it that makes them think about gay people. Come on, it's a friggin' movie about a shark! Becauase he wants to dress up like a dolphin means there's an obvious link encouraging the kids of today to cross-dress?
How many "pro-family" parents are going to freak out next year when their kids ask to be a dolphin for Halloween? "No, son, that means you're a fruit! AAAHHHH!!" Of course, that's assuming that these folks would even let their kids celebrate Halloween in the first place. That's a holiday straight from Satan. And actually, because it involves dressing up, it can now be linked to being gay and encouraging the children of America to be gay. GOD SAVE US!!
Come on, people. How about taking all that spare time you have, American Family Association, and really trying to encourage families -- ALL families -- to stick together and love each other no matter what? I think that's more what 'Shark Tale' was trying to imply anyway.
Anyway, let me help the American Family Association out now by looking around my desk to see what others things I can blame for encouraging me to be gay.
The phone -- Yup, I can use that to call other women, which means I'm a lesbian.
A bag of tortilla chips -- Mmm hmm, that makes me think of dinner, and gays
take each other out to dinner and do other horrible things after that, like watch movies or play softball.
My laptop computer -- Ohmigod, yes! My laptop has gay undertones, I mean, just consider the name of it: LAPTOP. Gays think of laps and tops all the time. DAMN YOU, DELL! YOU MADE ME GAY! Oh, and also, computers allow tomorrow's homosexuals to access naughty websites that will teach them how to be gay. That's two points against laptop computers.
Chapstick -- Well, obviously, only real straight women wear lipstick and not chapstick. So its mere presence -- despite its being pink in color and melon in flavor (obvious girly things) -- makes me a homo.
Mouse -- Lesbians love animals and have, like, 2 million pets. I don't care that this mouse is attached to my computer and not, in fact, squeaky or cheese-loving in nature. It has an animal name, which makes me a big ol' lesbian.
A stack of business cards -- Hello?! These aren't links to fellow business people with whom I will conduct business. It's a list of potential people to hook up with, because gays are insanely promiscuous, and that's why we should keep marriage away from them because then they'd only be with one...person..no, wait...that line of reasoning doesn't work. Hmm, better contact the AFA for some more meaningless rhetoric to spew about promiscuous gays and not letting them get married.
I could go on, but I'll stop. That's enough for the AFA to deal with for now - I mean, that's a lot of work. They now have to run an ad campaign against telephones, tortilla chips, laptop computers (*shudder* that's so against nature!), chaptstick, mice, and business cards.
Good luck, AFA, and Godspeed on your way to insanity.