Off to the South
I am off to Mississippi and Louisiana for work this week, so I'm allowed to not post as much. That's my excuse.
Anywho, I felt bad for our receptionist last week, it's took her two solid days to find me a place to stay while I'm down there. It's insane how every available hotel room is booked. I'm flying into Jackson, but I'm staying at a volunteer housing facility in Gulf Breeze, Florida - which is south of Pensacola. Yup, lot of driving to be had this week.
But, I'm excited, I love doing my job and I hope I'll do it well this week.
Oh, the story I wanted to share was about finding me housing down there. We had employed the help of some of the website's partner agencies to find me somewhere. After we'd found the place in Gulf Breeze, one of the agencies called to say he'd found some available space in a state park in central Mississippi. Apparently they had cabins available. I"m glad we'd found the Florida place because I can't imagine trying to do my job from a cabin in a state park. My editor and I then joked for a while about how I'd cope, imagining that the cabins would just be one room each with some bunk beds, one lone lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and a toilet down the dirt road in some building. I'd have to call in my stories and be interrupted.
"Hi, here's my story - this week in Jackson people are -- AAAAAHHH!!! BEARS!! THERE'S A BEAR OUTSIDE MY DOOR!! AAAHHH!!"
Or maybe:
Yeah, I'm a camping wuss.
I'll update this week as I can.
In these times of impending hurricane doom, I sometimes take a moment to find something that I wish would go away - whether it be by the power of a hurricane or whatever. Today's something is Britney Spears.
Has anyone seen the commercial for her new perfume, Fantasy? If so, you're probably holding an ice-pack up to your eye because it's so dumb it makes you want to punch yourself in the face.
If you've not seen it, go watch it here.
Please, Hurricane Rita, somehow take away this chick's money and direct it toward non-violent and helpful actions. Thank you.
Today's post is one of the miscellaneous variety. Nothing of huge importance has happened to me in the past week except for these random ramblings.
- Why is customer service so hard for some people? I was calling around to some sporting goods stores this morning trying to find a particular good that I will need for sporting. The employees I spoke with all sounded high and ended up being useless. Is it that hard to go check if you have an item in stock? Your store just opened, so I know you're not so busy that you cannot put down the bong for a minute, walk down an aisle and see if it's there. Hell, you have a computer syste, I'm going to assume it has lists of what is in stock. Press a couple buttons and find out. Help me save a trip to your store.
Stay sober, kids.
- In other news, the week's not over yet, but I have not yet had a chance to fill you in on any exciting jury duty stories. Yes, I got that notice in the mail telling me it's time to do my civic duty. I was prepared to do it, too. But each night I call the special number and they tell me they don't need me yet.
- Also, I won't have any good stories about my auto repair class because I had to cancel it. Due to the insane hurricane season, my work travel expectations are much higher. That makes a Wednesday night class harder to manage. I was bummed ot have to cancel it, but hopefully I'll get to take it this winter sometime.
- WHO DEY! My beloved Cincinnati Bengals are 2 - 0! They destroyed the Vikings 37 - 8 on Sunday. I am in shock. Mark my words: if they make the playoffs this year, I will pee my pants.
- Cat News. Watch that and you will laugh. I now know that my cat Tuesday is always staring at me and saying, "I'm nude."
The Update
I had an interesting time in Houston. Hurricane Katrina is one of the biggest disasters I've gotten to cover first-hand, the other major ones coming to mind being
Sept. 11 and Hurricane Charley.
And when I go onsite to cover a major disaster, I run into major media (see my photo to the left). This has a small tendency to throw me off since we always cover the issues these guys ignore or grow bored of within two days. Plus, I can't help it, they still make me feel inadequate and small. I shouldn't feel like this because what I do is important, but it still happens.
They all have their official press passes and cameras and reporter bags, etc... Although I do feel like an insider around them when it comes to a major disaster because we do find the things they don't cover. So it's two-fold. In any case, I was glad when that press conference was over and I could go back to reportorial obscurity.
I did get myself into the Astrodome, which was just shocking. I'm used to seeing sporting events in facilities like that - not thousands of people sleeping on cots surrounded by every belonging they could grab before leaving their homes. It's hard not to have survivors' guilt - or "non-hurricane affected" guilt - when I talk to the survivors. Their stories are sad and shocking. And then there are good stories of life and hope. The ride is an emotional roller coaster for all involved.
In one of the posts I made below, Cristina asked how best the public could help. One excellent way is to donate money to the charity of your choice. If you want to be more hands-on, you could also make health kits or flood buckets. Some agencies are now also taking volunteers. Do not just show up in Louisiana or Mississippi, make sure you go with a specific agency - that way they can provide for you and train you.
And that reminds me - don't forget that Hurricane Katrina did not just hit New Orleans. It devastated other parts of Louisiana and all of south Mississippi. Much of those areas are being ignored because of the tragedy going on in NOLA.
Which reminds me, this disaster will not be all patched up and fixed in three weeks. Volunteers, money and supplies will be needed for years. So if you can't volunteer now, wait a while and go in when everyone else has forgotten about it. And if you're determined to volunteer now, don't forget the thousands of people still recovering from last year's devastating hurricane season in Florida and Alabama. They need just as many volunteers to help rebuild homes there.
Now for the lighter moments, because, as I've said before, humor is necessary. I can't recall any particular knee-slapping moments on my trip down to Texas. In case you are keeping tabs on Heather's Rental Car Tests, I drove a Dodge Dakota Truck this time, and that's because the rental car place had nothing left but that when I arrived. I didn't argue because that's better than the little meep-meep compacts I'm normally thrown into.
Anyway, the truck was bad ass. I was up high and its engine was a monster. Well, it was compared to my putt-putt Saturn, anyway. A moped has a monster engine compared to my Saturn. So, obviously, I felt spoiled by this truck. And, I felt like a True Texan. All Texans drive trucks, in case you didn't realize.
I enjoyed Houston in general. I've really enjoyed Texas the few times I've been there. For this trip I again managed to refrain from randomly yelling out, "THE STARS AT NIGHT, ARE BIG AND BRIGHT......." to see who would respond. I imagine anymore that Texans would proudly finish that lyric and then proudly punch me in the face for being the 1 trillionth dumbass tourist to do that to them. So I sang it to myself whenever I did something Texas-like, such as drive a truck, run over a curb, punch an armadillo, hunt for jackalope, or cut someone off in traffic.
It was pretty awesome.
Back now
I have returned safely from Houston, but don't have much time to post an update. In the meantime, please enjoy this photo of a cute prairie dog that lives in the Houston Humane Society shelter.
Not sure what to say. Life is grim for many, but there is hope. And then again, it's easy for me to say that.
Some of these folks I'm interviewing have seen true horrors. Most have nothing left. Others don't know where the rest of their families are.
There is no reason for me to complain about anything.
All I can do is my job, for which I am grateful.
Busy busy busy
So my weekend work trip to NYC was canceled, and now I'm off to Houston for some hurricane coverage. Yes, Houston, because there's an insane amount of relief work happening there with all the evacuees/refugees.
In other news - I had a really fun weekend with family down in Tennessee. I participated in all of the following:
-Eating a lot of food
-Playing croquet
-Playing horseshoes
-Playing badminton
-Launching water balloons at donkeys (don't worry, we weren't trying to hit them)
-Shooting firearms (picture me holding a .357 magnum. Seriously.)
-Lighting off fireworks
-Fishing, fishing, and more fishing
Awesome weekend! And now it's back to work.
Again, sometimes we just need a laugh, and this morning I got a great laugh from Spamusement, a website where the artist draws a cartoon based on those silly spam subject lines you see in your email inbox.
Today's made me laugh really hard.
As most of you may have guessed, I am covered with piles of work this week due to that big fat giant huge hurricane that hit Louisiana and Mississippi on Monday.
In the office, we're receiving hundreds of calls about what people can do to help, as well as calls from other media outlets wanting to talk to us or have us recommend the right disaster relief person to talk to. My boss was on Good Morning America yesterday, and then this morning I was interviewed on the national radio station in Ireland.
That was fun, but the best part about it was when they put me on hold. Their hold music sent me into a fit of giggles. Can you guess what it was?
U2. Yes, U2. I love it.
So, that was my favorite part of today thus far. Humor is important in these times. If you cannot find some way to laugh once in a while during such tragedy, you will completely succumb to it, I believe. Keep those folks in the South in your prayers and thoughts, gang. And if you can, go donate some money to the charity of your choice. Monetary donations are the best way to help.
If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask away in the comments section. I'll do my best to answer or point you in the right direction.